Naaman was above ordinary people and ordinary rivers. He thinks he can buy, ‘the best available health care.’ Indeed power of money can fail. Help and counsel taken from a nameless migrant lady, a victim of war, healed Naaman. The nameless lady must have the memory of what Prophet Elisha could do and what he represented. Beloved, we need to forget our importance and pride like Naaman to receive healing from our leprosy of pride, unforgiveness, anger, immorality. depression, and self centredness. I pray for someone, you will experience a ‘new skin, a new life,’ a miracle so amazing and humbling like that of Naaman ‘from leprosy to wholeness’ in Jesus name.
About The Author
Deji Okegbile
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Ayodeji Okegbile, ardent scholar and writer, a Nigerian Methodist Bishop is with oversight to the Nigerian Methodist Mission in UK/Ireland. He is also the Minister-in-charge of Askew Road Church (Methodist & United Reformed) in the Chelsea, Hammersmith and Fulham Circuit, London, United Kingdom. WORTHY IS THE LAMB! 'Connect > About Me' for more.
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