Author: Deji Okegbile

BOOK REVIEW: Indigenised To Decolonize: Celebrating Nigerian Methodism by Hon. Justice E. O. Osinuga

  Preambular remarks: This is another topical, timely and appropriate book from the stable of   Bishop Deji Okegbile. This review is to give us a bird’s eye view of the salient contents of the book in just a few pages.  INTRODUCTION. Title of book: Indigenised To Decolonize: Celebrating Nigerian Methodism. The title of this precious book is, on the one hand, captivating, alluring and sufficient to be the fulcrum of a doctoral thesis at the graduate level.  On the other hand, it is sufficiently loaded to be the subject matter of a semester of three months in an evangelism course...

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GENERAL GOWON @90: Image of True Military, Nation’s Hero with Apostolic Leadership Character and Mandate.

General Yakubu Dan-Yumma “Jack” Gowon, a Nigeria former Head of State from 1966 to 1975, born on 19 October 1934 from a minority Ngas (Anga) ethnic group from Lur, Kanke Local Government Area of Plateau State, remains a model of a detribalised Nigerian and peace ambassador. General Gowon has sustained his excellent work for humanity through his NGO, the Yakubu Gowon Foundation. I aptly agreed with Prof Tunji Olaopa, the Federal Civil Service Commission Chairman, in describing General Yakubu Gowon at 90 as the nation’s eternal hero. God has graced General Gowon to be part of Nigeria’s story, engagingly, professionally,...

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WESLEY 100 INTERNATIONAL (WIN): A Renewing Mission Initiative.

Jesus is coming again. Fellow pilgrims, cheer up, lift the trumpets, and let it ring. To gather in the last harvest by offering Jesus Christ to people globally and locally, the state of the modern Church and the ruin of Christianity calls for a global revival of holiness. To have an impact not just upon people in churches but also upon nations requires divine energy. Sadly, the world is increasingly growing in the Church. In contrast, the Church fulfils its mandate when it changes society and not when a divided society is growing, dividing, and changing it. It is...

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History is vital to missiology, which is a reflection on the task of mission.[1] History teaches us that what is cultural and what is biblically required often get confused, just as missiology warns us, for example, against confusing a particular model of worship, leadership, music, dress, etc., as inextricable from the gospel. History has taught us that while human nature in the aggregate never changes, individuals indwelt by the Holy Spirit can live differently. Such individuals who lived differently were filled and used with the fuel of truth to burn for God, as was Sir Michael M. Familusi (1923-2024). It is...

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Celebrating Iconic Evangelical Leader, Olufemi Adedokun Osundahunsi SNR: On the cusp of the next rebirth of Methodism.

The Nigeria Methodist evangelical community expresses our bittersweet reflection on the death of our dear father and iconic evangelical leader, Barrister Olufemi Adedokun Osundahunsi Snr, who passed into the presence of Christ on August 15 2024, at Ilesa, a few weeks to his 80th birthday. Barrister Osundahunsi Snr was born on October 1, 1944, into the family of the late PA Gabriel Adeniran Osundahunsi of the Owa Ofokutu Royal Family in Ijesha Land and the late Madam Esther Adeboyejo of Oke Ona in Itapa Ekiti. He began his elementary education in Itapa Ekiti and completed it in Ikole Ekiti....

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