Author: Deji Okegbile


At its core, Wesley 100 International – WIN is a missional global non-denominational network of chosen people with one heart and passion for Jesus Christ, ‘who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God’ (1 Peter 2.9-10). The WIN Convener, Bishop Deji Okegbile, made the first WIN outreach to Nigeria between November 18 and December 4, 2024. The 6-hour British Airway flight from London to Nigeria was not without some mission contacts and sharing of the WIN vision and mission while on a flight with some co-travellers to Nigeria. At Muritala International Airport, Lagos, Evangelist Tuonyo Kanyi, a WIN...

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Preparing for the Coming Christ: Warning to the ‘Brood of Vipers.’

In the Gospel reading for the third Sunday in Advent, Luke’s presentation of the final preparation for Jesus’ ministry began with a summary of the ministry of John the Baptist (Lk 3:7-18). The lesson is, ‘those who dare to lead will be judged based on the kind of fruit their leadership produces.’ John the Baptist, rather than seducing people with easy, cultural, moral therapeutic Christianity and ecumenism rebuked the religious leaders to do the missional hard work of naming sin for what it is and calling people to repentance. Telling people what they want to hear is a lot...

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THE GREAT REFORMERS CLUB (GRC), OSU @ 40, Reforming and Powering Osu Community: Osu Monarchical Nomenclature @ 90

The history and story of the Great Reformer Club, Osu, Osun State, Nigeria, a sociocultural association, is about a community development-minded and progressive school certificate and undergraduate Osu young characters. This year, 2024, is a momentous moment as we celebrate a massive milestone, reaching 40 years of personal reforming and corporate powering of Osu community. For the GRC, our charity began at home, and reforming was the first step toward self-reformation and empowerment. Self-reformation contributed to our enduring vitality for forty years, with all the members excelling not only as graduates, doctors, professors, executive chairpersons of companies, and military...

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The profession of Town Planning is often marked by those individuals who employ their talent and resources to enable change and bring forth a vision for a better future. An example of such an individual was Pa Emmanuel Olusoji Ikotun, who began his career with bold gestures that captured the attention of the Town Planning world and changed paradigms. Pa Olusoji Ikotun worked more quietly, shifting the focus to the users of the space and asking themselves how they could best contribute to enriching the lives of those around them.  The passage of Pa Olusoji Ikotun is a loss...

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Raising Missional Youth: Power for advancing Mission in Intercultural Settings.

Methodist Youth Fellowship ARCHDIOCESE OF IBADAN 2024 Mission Conference Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024.  Venue: Griffin Memorial Methodist Church, Akeetan Oyo, Theme: Building a Missional Church I thank God for the opportunity extended to me to be part of the 2024 Methodist Youth Fellowship, Archdiocese of Ibadan, 2024 Mission Conference. The central theme of this Conference is “Building a Missional Church.” My session will focus on a sub-theme: “Mission in Intercultural Settings.” In reflection on the purpose of this Conference to encourage our youth in their faith walk with God to be raised as missional youth to advance God’s...

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