Author: Deji Okegbile


At the moment, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split, and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life (Matt 27:51-52). The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the central truths of the Gospel, the Good News of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:1-8). Apart from resurrection, Christ’s followers would have no hope, and our faith in God and testimony about Jesus Christ would be useless (1 Cor 15:12-19). Jesus’s enemies recognised the...

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OFFER OF ETERNAL SALVATION:ONLY ONE BLACK FRIDAY (AND BLACK SATURDAY). Only one Black Friday and Saturday offers eternal savings beyond the high season of consumerism. The days were not for sale or self-oriented consumers, bumping, climbing, pushing, and screaming over one another. It was not the day after any holiday or Thanksgiving. The event of the one Black Friday was at a place of profound significance, known as ‘The Skull.’ This was where the soldiers, in a cruel act, nailed Jesus to the cross. They also nailed the criminals to crosses beside Jesus – one on the right and...

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Overcoming Judas Within: A Type of a Person, or Thing.

Today is the Wednesday of the Holy Week, ‘colloquially known as Spy Wednesday because of this day just over 2,000 years ago, Judas Iscariot left in secret to betray Jesus.’ Judas, though a historical figure, is a type of person, thing or event that promotes evil transactions in the family, church, and nation. The Wednesday of the Holy Week reminds us that we have a choice, as ‘our actions reflect a decision like Peter to follow Christ, or judging from our way of life, are we more like Judas choosing spiritual death?’ Judas regrets, but Peter repents. Spiritually, Judas...

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St Patrick’s Day: Model for A New Generation of Missionaries Beyond Ireland and United Kingdom.

“Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks to me; Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me” – St Patrick Today is St Patrick’s Day. In one of my publications a few years ago, I wrote that St Patrick’s Day is more important than what he did in Ireland. St Patrick’s symbolises a model for a new generation of missionaries in this season and at a time when the church is declining and losing its identity, authority, and bearing. St...

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A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country and in his own house – Matt 13:57. The Church’s prophetic role is to be a constant presence in the world’s public life. However, it is sad that this role is lost, especially in a culture that is now secular, agnostic or overly hostile to any expression of the Christian faith. There is a need to recover the prophetic role and ministry for the growth and health of the Church and public life. Beyond the call to a “prophet-hood of all believers,” [1] the importance of prophetic ministry and biblical hermeneutics...

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