Author: Deji Okegbile

COMING ALIVE: Daily Reflection on Lent

COMING ALIVE: A DAILY LIVING LENT REFLECTION In humble personal meditation, Deji here reflects upon the power of living the Lent and passion of Christ. This is a booklet to which the reader will turn again and again both during the season of Lent and throughout the year. To Come Alive is narrative at the heart of Christianity from the beginning. It is about a changed life, being made alive to God, the stirring of the physical and spiritual self and coming alive in Jesus (1 Cor 15:12-23). The truth of God is the Word of God, as the...

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Transfiguring as Healing Agent: Preface to Lent.

The Word of God transforms and heals. God promises us that through Scripture we will meet God, and our identities as individuals and a community of faith will be formed and transformed. The Gospel reading today give us an account of what is generally called our Lord’s Transfiguration; his being wonderfully changed, and his being wonderfully owned by his Father upon the mount. The transfiguration, suggests a new turning point in Jesus’ ministry, his preparation for the final journey to Jerusalem, and our preparation for Lent. The Greek word for “transfigured” is the one we get our English word “metamorphosis” which means...

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“THE BEST OF ALL …” John Wesley, 228 Years After.

On this day 2nd March 1791, Methodist founder, Rev John Wesley aged 88 died at his house in London following a final five day illness. He sang a final hymn “I ‘II Praise My Maker While I’ve Breath” and his reported final words were “Best of all is, God is with us.” Before his death, Wesley’s ministry did not only re-energised and transformed the expression of Christian faith in Britain and the world as his parish, ‘the country-wide character of his pastoral and preaching activity generated enthusiasm and helped raise the Methodist profile.’ One of the favourites hymns of...

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Religion and Democracy in a Divided and Corrupt World: A Call to Nigerian Elites.

Democracy is the power of equal votes for unequal minds – Charles 1 of England. Reflecting on the words of Jimmy Carter, a former President of United State of America, America is no longer the only nation that has no functioning democracy. It is the rest of the world. Following the lies that were perpetuated before and after the last American Presidential election that produced President Donald Trump, the turmoil before and after the Brexit vote, the revolt in Zimbabwe, Egypt, Spain and other places, it is clear that the world is increasingly guided by malfunctioning and divisive religion...

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God uses different influences to shape us into His vessels. For John Wesley, a co-founder of Methodism and Holiness movement, he was shaped by tragedy and grace. Richard Bewes in the book he compiled, Wesley Country: A Pictorial History based on John Wesley’s Journal explained that, ‘the Great movements for world evangelism have never sprung from appointed committees. In any generation a flame can be lit in the heart of an individual, a Wesley, a Whitefield… and society feels the difference.’ The physical flame of fire on the old parsonage at Epworth on the cold midnight of February 9,...

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