Author: Deji Okegbile


The loss and sorrow that touches every dimension of our common life in Nigeria is too painful to acknowledge. There is no poor nation, but poor leadership. Poor leadership impoverishes the people, hence the key to Nigeria prosperity is a prayerful and strategic emphasis on the leadership renewal and emergency of a new tribe that is neither Yoruba, Igbo, Ijaw nor Hausa/Fulani. We need a new tribe of leadership and follower-ship with godly values. Leadership who are wealth extinguisher is comparable to Nigeria’s soul among the looters. Our prophetic task, in the midst of our common mass despair ‘is...

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An African proverb which says, “When an old man dies, it is as if a library is burnt down,” points to the role and importance of oral tradition and oral history in defining and reclaiming Nigerian vision beyond our self-made di-visions. Nigerian stories have been told for ages and passed down from generation to generation based on shared value of togetherness and promotion of corporate harmony and prosperity. In the beginning, the Nigerian story was about the story of God’s people created with diversity as God’s good intent and design. Nigerian diversity was ‘very good,’ with the development of...

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“The explosion of a nuclear weapon is an event of immense power… Within a fraction of a millionth of a second, the nuclear materials and casing of a one megaton weapon are transformed into a packet of energy five times hotter than the center of the sun” – Nicholas Wade  While the fight for legitimacy by North Korea and control by America over the foolishness of nuclear arms race is yet unresolved, President Donald Trump’s behaviour, utterance, and criticism of NLF players protesting against racial injustice is unpresidential. His withdrawal of an invitation for the NBA champion Golden State...

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NIGERIAN METHODISM AT 175: Urgent Prophetic Task

There is a lot of nostalgia surrounding 24th September of 1842 in Nigeria especially with the first open air crusade under Agia Tree at Badagry. Methodist Church Nigeria, the first international denomination in Nigeria has nurtured and engaged in mission for 175 years as it continues to awaken people to the reality of God at work in their lives and in the world, and continues to prod people to go out and rouse others to realise the holiness, power and possibility of healing the world God has given us. We have gone through the cultural ethos, civil war, and church...

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Spirituality of Forgiveness: Master key to the Kingdom of God

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants (Matt 18:21-23) The application of the parable in our gospel reading for today is very urgent and timely as forgiveness lies at the heart of Christian faith and personal healing. The depth of Christian spirituality shows us how divine it is to forgive and also demonstrates the revolutionary, transforming and positive...

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