And Christian marriage goes that one step further and says that for those who can grasp it, this relationship between a man and a woman is now a living sign of God’s relation to the world, and of what God thinks about human capacity and dignity. It is a sign telling us that God is to be trusted to be faithful – and that God trusts us to echo that faithfulness – Archbishop Rowan Williams
Marriage was God’s idea. God ordained marriage between man and woman before sin entered the world. Marriage is of fundamental importance for children, mothers and fathers, the family, the church, the society and the nation. In God’s original plan for the world, the human need for companionship, family, social acceptance, sexual intimacy and many other needs are met through marriage. “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and these two shall become one flesh” (Ephesians 5:31). Marriage is not just a mere arrangement, temporary or man-made. It is a life-long commitment between a man and a woman.
In a time when marriage is facing a variety of novel changes and challenges, some emerging issues are pointing to the decline in respect for this divine institution. Marriage is in jeopardy today because many get married for the wrong motives such as: physical attraction, financial security, physical security, emotional stability, sexual compatibility, freedom from parents, escape from a bad home, a poor self-image, approval and many more. In a culture and ‘world of disposable relationship and short-term policies, a world of fracturing and insecure international bonds and decline of trust,’ the Queen’s and the Duke of Edinburgh’s 70th wedding anniversary provides us a renewing reflection on the gift and visible capacity of marriage.
The Royal wedding contracted in 1947 according to biblical injunction, for better for worse, speaks renewal to the modern marriage which is so easy to give up or redefine. To the 91-year-old monarch, marriage is a sacred union hence, in the British Royal calendar, today is very unique and reflective. The words of the former archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, that every marriage is a public event resonates with the first British monarch to celebrate platinum wedding anniversary. In such a time when the rate of divorce is on the increase, it is an amazing achievement to have married for 70 years and still ‘in the full light of publicity’ and global responsibility.
On 20th November 1947, Elizabeth II married her consort at Westminster Abbey, consequently the first British monarch to celebrate a platinum wedding anniversary. The Queen was a 21-year-old princess when she walked up the aisle to marry ‘the 96-year-old newly retired Duke, who was 26 and had just served with the Royal Navy in the Second World War. The retired Duke ‘is the longest serving consort in British history’ while the Queen ‘is the nation’s longest reigning sovereign, having overtaken the record set by Queen Victoria.’ The Royal platinum wedding anniversary summons us to take marriage as an act of faith with our trust in God. Despite all challenges along their ways as human being and as husband and wife, Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of their faith continue to guide and be the peace in their trouble sea.
Together, with five great-grandchildren and the sixth great-grandchild in April 2018, eight grandchildren and their own four children, the Queen and the retired Duke of Edinburgh have celebrated the silver, golden and diamond jubilees of the Queen’s reign. The Monarch’s example of Christian marriage is a model and source of strength and wisdom for the church and the world. The Monarch’s life build upon Jesus Christ foundation tells more about the joy of Her Majesty Elizabeth II. Jesus is the peace in her trouble sea. For the Queen, the Royal ‘weaver,’ an example of Proverb 31 woman, the price of her husband, the retired Duke is far above rubies. The Monarch’s home with Jesus as the head is their hearts is their first palace, Buckingham palace is the official resident. The Queen, the Heaven’s best gift to the retired Duke is the heart of Europe and the Commonwealth nations in general.
The Monarch’s example of marriage which reflects their worship of God should spark a much-needed national renewal and healing of homes. They both surrendered to God in pursuit of a happy home and marriage. As a Biblical couple, they added to their faith in God, the action of marriage, which is love (1 Cor 13). The retired Duke loves the Queen as Christ loved the church, he allowed his own ambition to die in other to support the Queen. The Queen trusts the retired Duke, a complete unreserved trust, just as the church loves the Saviour. The Monarch’s example of marriage is a true Biblical ‘loves,’ which ‘involves a death, a death to self that Lord may be seen.’ The Monarch’s platinum wedding anniversary summons our homes to reflect a true worship of God in truth and Spirit. Just as the Church is called to be a reflection of the home, the home is raised to be a reflection of the Church. Let us pray for the healing of homes and marriage and renewal of the Church.
Please join me to prayerfully sing the hymn by Baylus Mckinney, ‘God give us Christian home,’ to celebrate the Monarch of our time, a model of Christian home for a Christian nation.
- God give us Christian homes!
Homes where the Bible is loved and taught,
Homes where the Master’s will is sought,
Homes crowned with beauty Your love has wrought;
God give us Christian homes;
God give us Christian homes! - God give us Christian homes!
Homes where the father is true and strong,
Homes that are free from the blight of wrong,
Homes that are joyous with love and song;
God give us Christian homes;
God give us Christian homes! - God give us Christian homes!
Homes where the mother, in caring quest,
Strives to show others Your way is best,
Homes where the Lord is an honored guest;
God give us Christian homes;
God give us Christian homes! - God give us Christian homes!
Homes where the children are led to know
Christ in His beauty who loves them so,
Homes where the altar fires burn and glow;
God give us Christian homes;
God give us Christian homes!
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