For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honour Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. . .  [Romans 1:20-22].

American Thanksgiving Day was primarily a harvest holiday in colonial times in which the colonists offered thanks for a good harvest, sometimes by feasting, sometimes by fasting. Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a day of national Thanksgiving in 1863 and hence became an annually celebrated national holiday only during the Civil War. The holiday became fixed to the fourth Thursday in November by an act of the United States Congress in 1941. The American annual Thanksgiving beyond a ‘Turkey Day’ is a deep theological act beyond expression of thankfulness and gratitude to fellow human beings who, both directly and indirectly, have contributed to our lives. The truth is that each day is a day of thanksgiving to God.

American Thanksgiving is beyond the blessings ascribed to human agency. It is ‘more numerous and more significant, ranging from the universe we experience to the gift of life itself.’ Thanksgiving and unbelief do not go together, hence, American annual Thanksgiving is a call to a renewing responsibility among the Americans to know and worship God in truth and in Spirit. Are Americans still honouring God as God and giving thanks? Are Americans honouring God for His limitless love, His benevolence and care, His provision and uncountable gifts? If yes, where is white Supremacy campaign coming from? Where is the division, building of walls rather than building bridges among people and nations coming from? Why is the Trump’s led government and immigration agency suddenly cancelled refugee program that saved lives of central American children and also wanting to kick 50, 000 Haitians out of the USA? American Thanksgiving is built of a culture of clothing and helping one another to survive and not perpetuating negative and harmful images of others. American Thanksgiving calls us to stop antiquated images of others.

Making American great again without making American godly again amounts to a purely naturalistic expression and lifestyle of unthankfulness. American Thanksgiving is about honouring God with Americans hearts and not just with mouth or annual feasting. To fail to honour God with our hearts is the Biblical description of fallen and sinful humanity. Refusal to honour God by honouring His human images including the Haitians and ‘give thanks is a raw form of the primal sin.’ To make American great without making America godly is a sign and lust to pride, Unthankfulness, like the rebellion of Adam and Eve is about refusing to recognise God as the source of all good things.

A proper American Thanksgiving is at the core of their holiness and prosperity in God. God has blessed America with ‘unspeakable riches and abundance, but forbade them of the fruit of one tree.’ Obedience to God’s command is the secret of American Thanksgiving and disobedience to God’s law points to a lack of thankfulness through the promotion of ‘White Supremacy among others. According to Carol Anderson, the Charles Howard Candler professor and chair of African American studies at Emory University and the author of White Rage, ‘America is hooked on the drug of white supremacy. We’re paying for that today. The violence in Virginia shows that the nation is gripped by a deep malaise – and is writhing under its disastrous effects.’ Is the White Supremacists march meant to “fulfills the promises of Donald Trump” to “take our country back” according to David Duke, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan? Where is righteousness and thankfulness in lumping together anti-racist protesters with white supremacists by President Trump? Is it not unthankful to say to other God’s image ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. He is fired. He’s fired!” and to the applause from the overwhelming white crowd?

Thankfulness exceeds carefree human thankfulness but a deep expression of a careful, caring, humble, and a thankful heart for God’s provision made for us in Jesus Christ, the unspeakable gift of the surpassing grace of God. Lack of thankfulness is sin, foolishness, and idolatry, sign of godlessness. Insight to American Thanksgiving calls us to a new impulse of thankfulness, proper and active consciousness of God’s Redemption At Christ Expense. American Thanksgiving beyond the idea of holiday or the day after Thanksgiving, known as “Black Friday” when the shopping season for Christmas opens summons us to annual national renewal and genuine repentance. American Thanksgiving Day invites us to thank God for our salvation, deliverance from the bondage of sin and thanks for Jesus Christ the Passover Lamb who was slain. Americans as migrants, pilgrims and settlers in the new world are going through the era of bondage shaped by Babylonian culture, a hard journey to the Promised Land.  This is the deeper insight and theology of American Thanksgiving. It is more theological, spiritual than secular. GOD BLESS AMERICA.