Beloved in Jesus Christ

Advent greetings of hope, peace, joy and love to you in Jesus name.

On behalf of my family, it is my pleasure to invite you to the dedication of my new books:

In the Spirit of ‘Aldersgate’: Praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come.’

      Billy Graham: An Inspiration to Christian Preachers and Ecumenism Today.

      Daniel’s Worship: A Guide to National Revival and Renewal.

      Sanctifying Marriage: To Save the World: The Monarch’s Example of Marriage.

      Worthy is the Lamb: Hope Beyond ‘This Present Age.’

      Revival of Preaching: ‘Juvenility’ to Maturity of Faith and Preachers.

      Methodist Pentecost Again! Wanted: 100 Preachers for Revival of Holiness.

The date is Saturday 29th December, 2018 at Askew Road Church, Bassein Park Road, W12 9NR.

The time: 11:00 am.

Thank you and God bless.


Deji Okegbile