Month: December 2018


“It is not possible to have the Peace OF God without Peace WITH God.” The second Sunday of Advent, like each of the Sundays in Advent, has a traditional theme. We focused on hope last week. This week our focus is about preparing in peaceful way for the coming of the Lord. To make his path straight in perfect harmony begins with you and I especially in a world where there seems to be very little peace. Advent as a journey, a reminder, and a return to the horizon of ultimate hope in life is about a peaceful hope...

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ADVENTCENTRIC: Advent Hope beyond the Church’s Year.

Evelyn Francis Capel in one of her books ‘The Christian Year,’ explained that the ‘spiritual rhythm of the year is experienced and observed in sacred practices, which have their place in human life.’ According to Capel, ‘religious rites were performed in harmony with the changing relations of earth, sun and stars throughout the year in the ancient times.’ The development since the beginning of Christian era points to ‘the festivals honouring the coming of Christ, His death and His rising again, have likewise been held in accordance with the seasons.’ The reflection is that, the coming of Jesus Christ...

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‘ADVENTCENTRIC’: Living in Hope, Immanuel “God with us.”

The Advent tension is a way of learning again that God is God: that between even our deepest and holiest longing and the reality of God is a gap which only grace can cross – Rowan Williams Regardless of what is happening in Paris, Fury’s and Wilder’s fight, the Brexit and EU, wars and global divisions, the good news is that “God is with us,” there is hope, the consummation of broken earth with healing heaven. In Jesus’ first advent, he came to redeem us and give us life through his death and resurrection. Advent as a major missional practice...

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