We are closer to the end than before. Indeed, the church is in the payday for dethroning Jesus Christ. Many of God’s wonderful promises no longer apply to the church today because we have dethroned the Lord through unbelief, sin, and pride, hence the present confusion, divisions, and lack of direction. Pride takes the throne when we dethrone the Lord (Hos 11:5).
If you are in Christ, let nothing weaken your faith. God is Holy; without holiness, no one can see the Lord. He is coming again. In anticipation of Jesus’ Second Coming, no neutrality and no more time wasting. You are either enthroning or dethroning Him. Sadly, the problem of Christ’s dethroning is much worse, much more tragic – because it is happening in his church! It is true – Jesus, our exalted Lord and king, is being dethroned in churches throughout the land and in the lives of many congregations. It grieves God to see Christ dethrone by those who call themselves Christian as they mock, ridicule, and redefine Christ’s holy character, habit and lifestyle. In the name of civilisation, we have dethroned God, rejecting the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the Bible and prayer, thereby enthroning the arm of flesh.
To dethrone Jesus shaped by human pride is to deny His Lordship over your life, church and family. We see our society and government dethroning Jesus Christ – refusing to acknowledge His authority and kingship just to please the state. Are we not removing God from our schools and courts and ignoring Him in the making of our laws in the quest to be politically correct? Sadly, the church is not left out in reaping a terrible harvest of decline and immorality. Prophet Hosea aptly describes the terrible harvest reaped by those who dethrone God from his lordship and turn to the arm of the flesh.
The apostasy over Israel of being guilty of terrible wickedness resonates with the awful sin, even in the church of drunkenness, sexual perversion, greed, covetousness, fornication and adultery (Hosea 9:9-15). The wickedness in the church today is in turning away from God’s counsel, ignoring his word and obeying man instead: “…God will cast them away because they did not hearken unto him…” (v. 17). We dethrone Jesus when we no longer put our trust in Him when Jesus is no longer our guide and source of wisdom and theology. Instead, we rely on the wisdom of man. Anything that maligns the Lordship of Jesus over our lives, churches and nations dethrone Him.
Anyone or church who dethrone Jesus is likened to ‘an empty vine’ resulting in self-focus for maintenance (Hos 10:1). Any individual or church that dethrone Jesus Christ ‘becomes selfish and miserable – and their every pursuit ends in emptiness.’ Sadly, the more many people or churches prospered, the more they took God for granted and participated in idolatry, worshipping false gods or other things in place of the true God. Success is not necessarily a blessing. The more money some people, churches, or nations have, the more they spend on themselves or use to control others. The more they accomplish, the more they struggle with pride; they forget God and neglect His mission and purposes, becoming self-centred rather than God-centred.
In essence, using the words of Hosea, “Their heart is divided…he shall break down their altars, he shall spoil their images” (Hos 10:2). Are our churches and nations’ hearts not divided today? Are we not paying lip service to leadership, mission and evangelism? Are we turning to the government instead of trusting God? Indeed, we have ploughed wickedness and are reaping the harvest of iniquity. When the leadership heart is full of idolatry, backsliding begins, and words carry no authority, hence a lack of power to stop the loss or decline of the Christian faith (Hos 10:3).
As followers of Jesus Christ, our preparation for His Second Coming calls us to enthrone Him. Enthroning Jesus Christ has always been at the heart of Christian understanding of the missional and renewing character of the church’s ministry. Enthroning Jesus, for example, experienced by John Wesley, models testimonies of countless other Christians who have embraced the worldwide apostolic or missional dimension of ministry. Enthroning Jesus as Christ’s Ambassador is more of a vocation than a career, job, occupation or appointment.
The Good News is that Jesus is sitting on His throne. However, ‘on earth, we must ENTHRONE HIM or “CAUSE HIM TO BE IN A PLACE OF EXALTATION”, on the earth meaning that we can create a place for His rule, dominion, and authority to be displayed, spreading scriptural holiness across the land. Enthroning Christ aims to bring His Lordship into our homes, churches, streets, communities and nations. Jesus is enthroned amid our worship, prayer, evangelism and leadership when we lift our authentic praise, service and ministry to the Father and exalt His Name above everything else.
Enthroning Jesus is a renewing way of life. It means Christ is King of our hearts, and we desire Him to be present with us always. Enthroning Jesus as a renewing way of life means to hate nothing but sin and have a missional desire to make our hearts and homes holy and sanctify our lives in every aspect in honour of God. Enthroning Jesus in 2025 as a renewing way of life resonates with Jesus’ instruction to us to pray: “In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt 6:9-10). Enthroning Jesus is fulfilling Jesus’ desire for His kingdom to be established on earth just like in heaven. No procrastination. Enthroning Jesus 2025 calls us to exalt God’s name, hallowing Him in our decision to praise Him as our worship and witness enthrone Him and dethrone everything else. The path to the throne lay through service and the cross for Jesus and all His disciples down the ages. Receive Jesus today as your Lord and Saviour to worship Him in Truth and Spirit. Jesus is coming to judge the nations, hence the urgency to enthrone Him through our witness to the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the sick, and prisoners. Failure to enthrone Jesus led to everlasting punishment.
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