Month: September 2019

THE SHREWD CHURCH?: Overcoming Leadership and Spiritual Misrepresentation

In Luke 16, Jesus commends shrewdness. To be shrewd in the context of a missional practices and skills goes beyond clever actions, plots, schemes, and speeches where the heros or heroines do something for the audience applauds and acceptance. Beyond the use of money to secure our future, Jesus’ parable points us to our ultimate missional future, our eternal future. The use of money is a good test of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Money with a lot of power can be use for good or evil hence, Jesus’ parable of the shrewd steward summons us to use our...

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Parables are stories which a meaning. In the Gospel reading from Luke 15, Jesus’ three parables in response to the complaints of the temple leaders, Pharisees and scribes against Jesus’ ministry points us to the importance and God’s priority in renewing leadership to reach the lost (v.2). The complaints by these religious people were a symptom of larger problem – the lost of leadership/church’s focus to reach out to the lost hence, the disunity and lack of cooperation even in rescuing the perishing and caring for the dying. To be “lost” means to be away from the Good Shepherd...

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YINKA’S price is far above rubies.

It was during my ministry at Wesley Cathedral, Olowogbowo, Lagos in the late 90s that I met Mrs Jumoke Soyemi, a member of the Cathedral and Methodist Evangelical Movement. Mum Soyemi later introduced me to her daughter, YINKA Ajai-Ajagbe who occasionally joined us in some of the evangelical meetings at Olowogbowo. YINKA later introduced me to her fiance and I was privileged to be part of their marriage preparation and we became very close family. YINKA, at 48, my initial responses to your sudden transition and change of address was shock, denial, replay, yearning, confusion, powerlessness, anger, and loss...

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